Today’s Reading (all 1 link):  Deuteronomy 27-28, Psalm 36, Luke 24

In Deuteronomy 27-28, we see a transition to what is known as the blessings and the curses i the context of covenant renewal with the people.  In Israel’s history, it was necessary to call the nation to renewals of covenant commitment and obedience.  Such renewals usually occurred at key points in history…like preparation for entering the Promised Land.  This is what Moses is doing as he gives directions for a ceremony for the covenant renewal that would occur when the people entered the Promised Land.  Moses then returned to the current point in time by establishing the blessings and curses of the covenant.  Blessings were promised for faithfulness to the renewal of covenant and curses were for disobedience.

We find a parallel in Psalm 36…where blessings were promised for faithfulness, we find the source of blessing in Psalm 36.  “How precious is your steadfast love; all people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings…for with you is the fountain of life; in your life we see light.” (36:7-9 paraphrased).  We realize our dependence on God.

Lastly, in Luke 24 we find, albeit a week early in our journey through Lent, the foundation for our ultimate hope.  We realize that the ultimate blessing happened because of the cross and the empty tomb.  We realize that we need not worry about trying to rely on our own efforts.  The resurrection of Jesus is at the very core of Christian history.  On this foundation, the Church is built.  Many religions rely on rule following – on ethical parameters, etc.  The Christian faith…the very Church of Jesus Christ has its foundation on a God who became human and who literally died for his people – this God…this Jesus, was raised from the dead in power and glory – to be the one head of the Church – a Church that will never die.  We are reminded of this time and again – every time we break the bread of life and drink from the cup of grace…

As we enter into what we know as Holy Week, please be reminded that our dependence…our foundation is not on ourselves but with the one God who loved his creation so much that he chose to enter into our time and make himself known in Jesus the Christ – the one who lives on yet today and tomorrow by the presence of his Holy Spirit and who will return again one joyous day.  My hope is that you and I will be able to live out all our days on this earth in a manner captured in this quote by Billy Graham…“But I look forward to heaven…most of all, I look forward to seeing Christ and bowing before Him in praise and gratitude for all he has done for us, and for using me on this earth by His grace…just as I am.”