Do you remember the song by John Lennon _ Jealous Guy? I do.

The lyrics and the melody is beautiful and so meaningful:

I was dreaming of the past
And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control


Somewhere along the line we can identify with that human condition of feeling and being jealous of what other people achieve or have. King Saul surely went through it. As he was seeing David raising up in his leadership and status in the country, the Bible records these words:

“Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands!” (1 Sam. 18:7 nlt). Saul was outraged and “from that time on . . . kept a jealous eye on David” (v. 9 nlt).

If we continue to read on, we find out that Saul just looses his composure, and his driven mad about everything that David is doing, and his life is being ruled by fear.

David on the other hand continues to be thankful, focuses on God, and always tries to keep a reverend attitude towards Saul and serve the people around him. Now that is the make it or break it moment that we can relate: Can we look at the positive in our lives, and can we find things that build us rather than keeping us jailed?

Today I pray that we can be like David, and keep a clean heart before God and before people.


Be blessed,

Bo M.